企业等级: | 普通会员 |
经营模式: | 经销批发 |
所在地区: | 北京 北京 |
联系卖家: |
曲经理 女士
![]() |
手机号码: | 13520136125 |
公司官网: | www.qixiangfang... |
公司地址: | 北京市昌平区回龙观镇回龙观西大街35号 |
发布时间:2020-09-08 02:04:13
· 对多数油漆、塑料、木头、纺织品、陶瓷及橡胶均无***影响
Product Description
VCI-CX-1522 adopts biochemistry formula, which can
fast and efficiently remove corrosion on metal surface.
VCI-CX-1522 is a new type metal rust cleaner,除锈剂,which is
harmless to skin and environment friendly.
Product Features
·Remove rust on surface of steel,copper,钢铁除锈剂,brass,chromium and aluminum,etc.
·Remove rust and corrosion from ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
·No adverse effect on most paints,钢筋除锈剂, plastics,除锈剂价格, wood, textiles, ceramics, and rubbers.
·Anti-rust protection function. After applying VCI-CX-1522,anti-rust protection can be up to 4 weeks in indoor uncovered conditi***.
·Safe, non-toxic, non-flammable, environment friendly and biodegradable organic polymer.
·Loosen rust-frozen parts.
·Non-irritating acids and caustic odor.
·VCI-CX-1522 is liquid,which is suitable for rust removing under normal conditi***.
Typical Properties
·Appearance Dark brown liquid
·Odor Light
·Viscosity 10cps·Freezing point -10℃
·Cover area 40㎡/l
·Cleaning method Rinsing
Recommended Application
·Metal parts,equipment,metal can, varies vehicles
steamer,metal rail and so on.
·Loosen rust-frozen parts
·Cleaning rust on non-ferrous metals such as plastic,
Application Method
VCI-CX-1522 can be applied by dip, spray and brush.
·Light corrosion: spray or brush on metal surface, placing 10-15 minutes, then finally rinse thoroughly with water.
·Medium corrosion: spray or brush on metal surface, the placing time can be prolonged, then can adopt to remove rust or repeat removing rust.
·Serious corrosion: use rust parts to dip in VCI-CX-1522 until all rust is removed completely. The removing rust result will be better if the temperature of VCI-CX-1522 can be heated to 65℃.
Packaging and Storage
·Packaging:VCI-CX-1522 is ***ailable in 500 ml aerosol can and 20 kg drum.
·Storage:VCI-CX-1522 has a shelf life of 12 months.
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中圳德兴(北京)防锈材料有限公司 电话:010-57895210 传真:010-57895210 联系人:曲经理 13520136125
地址:北京市昌平区回龙观镇回龙观西大街35号 主营产品:水基防锈剂,气相防锈油,气相防锈袋,气相防锈纸,热收缩膜
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